Thursday, February 25, 2010

collections 6:3

Who wants to make me famous? Thus far, no one. Here we have a well-rounded boy with all the troubles of a regular boy (and then some!) and yet, there isn't a reality show about me yet. So here's the scoop:

I want to know if you can take an average kid like me and make him a fucking micro-celebrity. I figure with some fine-tuned editing, hiding some trade secrets, and putting my face everywhere this side of the moon, we can have ourselves a celebrity. Now don't you want to be able to say, "I knew him when he was just a kid whining on his blog about being famous?"

Here's what I've noticed has happened since I've moved to Chicago. I've modelled for a handful of photography projects, I've appeared in a handful of short student films, and I'm currently being painted by one of Chicago's finest. I've appeared in the school paper twice, I think? At least. I work for the up-and-coming Columbia sponsored zine, Chi-Tea too. I've performed at a number of open mics and have made a name for myself as being "vulgar," and I'm competing at the Windy City Story Slam on March 6th.
At parties, people have recognized me... "You're that kid..." I've heard it before. Being a college-level celebrity isn't enough though. We need to make Chicago see the boy who crawled from the rural trailer to get here.
Now while you're reading this, you're asking yourself, "Why should you be famous? What makes you better than the rest of us?" That's pretty much it though... Nothing does. The fact is, if I can become a household name, anyone can. So why not lift up one of your lessers and see where that goes?
As a celebrity, I will do everything in my power to bring notice to my peers. That's you guys. I'll even go so far as to have one of those celebrity lifestyles, where people sit around, drink or smoke or do whatever drug of choice is for them, while we discuss philosophy in my apartment as though we're pretentious socialites who glimmer in the public eye. Y'know, like the kind of stuff you see in movies with socialites. Who wants a martini?
So what's the point of this meaningless goal? There really isn't one. I don't even want to be famous that bad. I just think it'd be fun to see where it goes. Sure, I've done stuff before... I write, right? I've written a book, which still needs to be thoroughly edited before it goes to publication, but so what? It's just that life is more fun when you change it up every once in a while. I love the way things have rolled thus far- I've got a lot to be happy for. Good friends, for starters. Although I don't fall into any particular clique, I've got a number of friends who I know I can depend on and who I hope know can depend on me. Friendship is something I've grown to value over my years being not famous. It's like the cherry ontop of the sundae that is hardwork and effort. Without the cherry, you just got a pile of ice cream. It isn't even really a sundae.
So why did I jump to this conclusion, since I'm so satisfied with everything I have? I just realized something. After I joined up this whole story slam thing and pushed it on facebook, I noticed something when I invited people to come check it out. Even though in the post, I said, "At least post on my wall and wish me good luck," I had zero people wishing me good luck, several people immidiately saying they won't be available on the coming weekend, and two people delete me from their friends. Seriously, they deleted me from their friends for inviting them to support me during the biggest career booster I've ever had dropped into my lap. I'm not sure what that is, apart from realizing whichever two friends who have chosen to disassociate with me are shallow, inept people who have no interest in supporting anyone but themselves... but it's not like I really have room to even say much on the subject, because I couldn't tell you who those two friends were for the life of me. I hope they were two strangers.
What is being famous going to do for me, we have to wonder. Well, for starters, it could probably get me a quicker publication when I do finally get around to editing my book (lol this summer, right?) and if I can get published, I can assure my other writing friends that I will do what I can to help them get published! That's also you guys. I could probably get involved in the biz- publications? Sure. TV? Maybe. Film? Who knows. Either way, famous Behnam is just as likely to hook up his friends as ordinary Behnam. And it's not like I'm a discriminatory, self-righteous asshole who is looking for a goddamn hand out. I'm a nice guy and it's about time karma pays me off for all the nice things that I do for strangers.
Now let's be serious. It's not likely that I'm going to get famous. This is all just the rantings of a kid who has too much time to himself this weekend. This isn't a serious expectation or anything like that, although I am flirting with the thought that this might be pretty fucking cool. In time, maybe it'll flesh itself out...
But why wait? Let's be stupid, let's be reckless, let's become the next difficult-to-pronounce household name.

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